Ilm Level 4 Management

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ILM LEVEL 4 CERTIFICATE IN LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Unit 1 Developing you Leadership Styles AC 1.1 The importance of performance and engagement with followers in an organisation: Effective management and leadership are critical aspects of well-performing organisations and projects. Good leadership and management practices are difficult to assess but are extremely important. At Triangle we assess effective leadership performance using various methods such as: Tenant Questionnaires: This is an opportunity for Tenants to tell Triangle what aspects of performance is done well and what areas require improvement to ensure a better service is provided in the future. For example: a tenant may raise a concern that he is unable to participate in as many activities as he would chose due to the staffing levels required for his co-tenant. Once this is raised as an issue, then we can look at how we can improve services for this person. Staff Supervisions: This is an opportunity to discuss progress, training and support needs or any concerns with members of staff. Staff Meetings: This is an opportunity to discuss any issues or ideas together as a staff team and implement new ways of doing things in order to improve the service. Tenant Meetings: This is an opportunity for tenant’s to discuss any concerns or ideas which they may have. Staff Conference: This enables the company as a whole to come together and kept informed of how they are progressing and of their future goals. TAG Group: (Tenants Advisory Group) Is an advocacy group were tenants from all over Triangle Services meet to discuss issues that may be effecting them, co-tenants or the service were they live. For Reference: Example of Staff Supervision document: By working together senior management, general staff and tenants are able to effectively measure performance
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