Human Service Agencies Research Paper

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Researching Human Service Agencies HSM/210 Holly Regan July 4, 2013 Elfie Neber Researching Human Service Agencies Human Services in Snohomish County, Washington has its hardships just as every other agency in America. Through careful research I have found that there are many programs, but with major drawbacks; funding. Some of the programs that the County of Snohomish Human Services offer are Self-Sufficiency, Homeless Coordination, Veterans’ Assistance, Developmental Disabilities, Alcohol and other Drug Prevention, and Mental Health and Involuntary Services, just to name a few. Another agency that is a valuable resource to the County of Snohomish is the Volunteers of America Western Washington Food Bank Service. The volunteers that work here at V.O.A.W.W. make sure that you have…show more content…
According to V.O.A.W.W. (2013), “Volunteers of America Food Banks in Everett, Sultan, Mill Creek and Greenwood/North Seattle distribute emergency food to families, children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.” Not only do they provide food to those in need, they work with community partners and coalitions to leverage community resources and raise awareness and support for the hungry community. “Many local economic factors contribute to this demand on our food bank services, and we find that the vast majority of our main customers- 50% are children and seniors- come from working households, families on unemployment or those on fixed incomes who struggle to make ends meet.” States the V.O.A.W.W.
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