Financial Hardship in Fairfield

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INTERVIEW This is a recorded interview which was carried out on Wednesday 3rd of March 11am. The interview lasted 34mins and 48 seconds dictating foods securities dues to financial hardship projects. This interview was conducted by I Julianne Tran and answered but Chris Bui social worker and early childhood project planner of CatholicCare Fairfield, West Sydney 2165. FINANCIAL HARDSHIP- CATHOLIC CARE- FOOD SECURITY 1. Describe the social service and project? CatholicCare is an agency that provides social and emotional wellbeing of the communities, families and individuals living here in the Fairfield location. Staffs who work here personally strive to make a difference to those we serve. CatholicCare provides many social service projects aimed at the development of early childhood beings from birth to 8 years of ages. Food security projects involve those who have low incomes, no income or have concerns about providing healthy meals for young children. Supporting family budgets, helping families find jobs, teaching and educating children with healthy eating habits, how to save and not waste food. 2. What are the implications for children when they are living in an “at risk” or vulnerable situation such as food security due to financial hardship? Children suffering from food securities due to financial hardship go through many ordeals emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. Physically a child my look skinny malnutrition or may have large mid sections due to the swelling of the stomach from eating itself, mainly have rashes, sores, coughs, thinned hair or even poor vision these factors contribute to emotional behaviours such as high tempers, mood swings and low self-esteem. Mentally children suffer to concentrate finding it hard to cope with educational standards, and socially for a child it is hard to fit in when common factors such as the

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