Human Impact On Hydrosphere

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Domestic Sector Another human activity that has an impact on the hydrosphere is the domestic sector and uses of water purposes within lifestyles. According to “kleeman” from the global interactions1 textbook, it is estimated that 4% of the world’s population use 300-400L per person per day, and 67% of the world’s population, concentrated mainly in Asia and Africa, use less than 50L per person per day. This concentrates the main water use in other continents such as north and South America, Oceania and Europe. With this being the case, these continents would use well over 400L per person per day due to the minimal use in Asia and Africa. The concern differs in water quality between those living in a developed country and those living in a third world country. Obviously the concern is much larger in developing countries as there a very large demand on more pure and efficient water is required. Provision of a reticulated water supply system would increase consumption dramatically. Thus, the provision of access to a safe water supply not only leads to improved standards of living, but greater use of water. Moreover, the domestic sector is a human impact on the Hydrosphere as it is being used daily by many different people in different ways some ways which affect the water cycle more so than the other. Industry Industrial areas and industrial development have accelerated over the past years and this acceleration has created demands for water for power generation, mining, processing and manufacturing all whom need to use some part of the hydrosphere. According to “kleeman” in the countries of the developed world, there have been considerable achievements in efficient water use and the reduction of water pollution, mainly due to pollution control laws. Consequently, this results in our Hydrosphere being healthier and able to be used in a more productive and considerable

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