Plato's Allegory: Illusion vs Reality

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Unit 2 Plato’s “Allegory” Assignment Your Name Here Kaplan University HU250 – 08 In the book The Republic, Plato through “the Allegory of the cave” makes a difference between illusion as a truth and the truth as a reality. In that scenario, Plato used the cave, the flame, the shadow, the sun and the return to the old “world” to demonstrate: That knowledge comes from what we see and hear in the nature, it uses the cave as the hotbed of misunderstanding. He believes that the shadow seen in the wall and being interpreted by the prisoners as the truth is simply the reflection of the truth and that anyone no matter his rank within this “world of truth” is ignorant of the truth in real nature. Plato uses the sun as the light of life for philosophers and the knowledge of people and the period the prisoner spent out of the cave for its first time is seen as the journey of a philosopher trying to understand and establish the different between the “truth” in the cave and the reality. Once the reality established, the prisoner wanted to free other prisoners because he believes they were living a false reality and this persuasion created conflicts. This demonstrates furthermore how a desire to change old habits known as the “true” can be challenging (Parker, 2005). I started a job a few years ago with my current company, at the same time it was my first job in U.S, I was so unsure for my capacity of teaching and fixing issues. The main reason was because of my origin and my previous believes. I was for a long time held in a cave because how the U.S.A and white people were perceived. The “white” person in my culture is perceived as a founder of all knowledge and teaching. With a Bachelor Degree in IT, I did a lot of good things and I was still able to accomplish a great amount of work, but because of the stereotype, I got myself pushed back and I was perceived as an ignorant

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