How Would You Have Planned the Jamestown Colony to Ensure a Good and Prosperous Start?

353 Words2 Pages
I would have sent hardworking people. Also, those who can reach consensus on issues at hand and work on them. The type of governing system would consist of a decision maker who listens to his or her people, and a committee of men and women who come up with good ideas, or who have track records of being voices of reason. I would also have skilled men and women who can use the tools of the day, or make clothing or goods we cannot now buy from England, since we would then be across the Atlantic Ocean from merchants or finished goods. And at least one or two people who are very skilled at hard survival for emergencies. We would need some people with farming skills, and hunting skills to assure us of eating.This also means we need a cook, and a backup cook. I would bring for supplies edible fruit and food for the voyage, can food if possible, also enough to last until we begin to hunt and farm as well as discover what food plants are near us.I would also bring a long range rifle for haunting animals to eat. I would bring as much seed as I could buy for farming. I would bring textiles to sew into clothing. I would bring grain and flour, the flour mainly to bake bread. For growth, I would have us all build one big building that could house us all, if need be. Then everyone must pitch in to build each family's house together, one after the other. Those who have skills sewing, cooking, cobbler, tool user, will get a building made to practice their trade or skill. Those who will learn to farm from the farmer will get a tract of land to farm, with a barn built on each by all. A church can be built to give the settlers a place to worship as well as feel good about their new home. An empty schoolhouse will be built, so that, should the settlers have children, someone who can read well and teach can teach these

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