Essay On Native American Hunting System

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America’s Roots The Native Americans are the backbone for the American existence.Without the Native Americans, the Europeans would not have had the resources needed to be successful in America. The Native Americans played an essential role in America becoming a nation because they taught the colonists the necessary tools needed to live in America such as growing crops, understanding the terrain, and using hunting systems. To begin, the Native Americans learned how to grow their own crops. Growing crops was important because it provided a source of food. It also gave them the ability to teach others how to grow crops so they can live in America without starving. The Europeans that colonized America benefitted from the knowledge of the Native Americans because they did not know how to find their own food. Before the Native Americans taught the Europeans how to grow their own food, they were eating whatever they could get their hands onto. The Europeans took advantage of the Native Americans and took over their territory. Understanding the terrain was a crucial element to learn because they would know where to grow crops, find animals to eat and know where safety is. Knowing where to locate these…show more content…
They could also use the animals in their area as food and also for protection. These hunting systems the Native Americans created were not used just for food. They could also be used for protecting their land from people who were trying to invade their area. The weapons they created were very precise, and when used properly, very dangerous for the invaders. The hunting systems they used were very successful in keeping them safe and fed. Teaching the colonists their hunting system was not such a good idea because after the colonists were taught this technique, it was used to kill the Native Americans and to wipe them out of their

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