How To Write A Psy 360 Cognitive Psychology Paper

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Cognitive Psychology Nicole Manuel Cognitive Psychology Psy/360 Sandy Melwuist-Reed University of Phoenix August 8th, 2009 Psychology is a growing field of study that in recent years has taken a step forward in the scientific world. Many different theories have been proposed over the years leading science to answers that society never thought would be confirmed. Dating back to ancient times, psychology was recorded, as some of the simplest questions were asked. Cognitive psychology is a branch that can be found dated back that far, but it was not until more recent decades that these theories began to be studied in a different light. Cognitive psychology may be the leading school of thought because of the questions asked,…show more content…
Science had development the MRI machine, giving researchers a way to measure brain activity. In further research, found was that mental processes and states could possibly be measured because of the functions these machines could do (Cognitive Processes Classes, 1997). Because all the studies that were produced due to the new technology that science had given, cognitive psychology was defined and the study of human cognition was well on its way to new theories and answers (Cognitive Processes Classes, 1997). Cognitive science, in definition, can be defined as a scientific study of intelligence and the mind (Encyclopedia-Cognitive Science, 2003). Almost every introduction made formally of cognitive science stresses that psychology, neuroscience, education, philosophy, linguistics, biology, anthropology, and computer science are principal branches to the scientific research of cognitive science (Encyclopedia-Cognitive Science, 2003). Several approaches have been taken when it comes to the study of cognitive psychology. The broad classifications are approached as connectionist, dynamic, and symbolic systems (Encyclopedia-Cognitive Science, 2003). Cognitive science has given much to cognitive psychology; too much to list. Among only a few of its accomplishments, cognitive science gave eye opening attention to models of risk perception, human bias, and…show more content…
Because of science one now can measure these processes and quantify them so that cognitive psychologist may use behavioral observation to measure damage, mental processes and mental states. Because of cognitive science, cognitive psychologist are able to see just what is going on within a person’s brain and make the most educated guess on how he or she should be treated because of their behavior (Van Wagner, 2009). Behavior of individuals can be observed and watched, measured and tested, and a conclusion can be made from behavior on whether or not cognitive psychology is the best treatment for the individual. Even though cognitive psychology arose in response to behaviorism, this does not mean that behavior is not important for the
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