How to Write a Parent Recommendation

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ALLEYAH JEANELLE KNIGHT-PARENT REFERENCE LETTER Being Alleyah’s father, I must first admit my obvious bias of her being an absolutely wonderful young woman. As a physician, however, my training has conditioned me to be non-biased in my assessment of what makes an individual healthy and successful. I have also had the misfortune, yet the advantage of being the non-custodial parent for Alleyah the past six years. These circumstances have forced me to parent more from the “outside, looking in”, which I believe also contributes to a less biased point of view concerning Alleyah’s character and successes. In my opinion, Alleyah is quite mature and accomplished for her 18 years. I believe that there are two major life circumstances that have contributed to her growth and strength of character…being a middle child and being a child of divorced parents. Concerning her “middle-child” status, she has not simply been “in the middle”. Instead, Alleyah has been positioned between a somewhat privileged older brother, for whom the rules do not quite apply, and an academically-gifted younger sister who has little difficulty reaping benefits from her academic successes. Alleyah therefore learned early that it would take planning, hard work and assertiveness to gain the benefits of being successful. I believe Alleyah has worked hardest at balancing her academics, community and extracurricular activities, home life, relationships and her faith, thus achieving considerable success. Alleyah’s life at home has been quite challenging, particularly due to her mother’s and my divorce. Not only did Alleyah have to endure her first 12 years with the burden of two displeased, divorcing parents. The last six years, Alleyah has had to manage an adolescent and teen life in the midst of divorced, angry parents with different parenting approaches and expectations of her. Alleyah has been

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