Returning to School

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I never thought my life would have turned out the way that it did. I have been through a lot of hard times but have overcome them with perseverance and determination. Becoming a single mom of five has helped make the decision to return to school an easy one. The joy of accomplishing a goal will be great and will show my children that anything that can be imagined can be achieved. Going back to school to get a degree will allow me to make a better living for me and my family. My decision to go back to school was met with hesitation due to not being able to finish the first time I was enrolled. I had become ill and failed out of school. That made me leery of going back. I did not want that same incident to happen or anything else for that matter. I had put off going back finding many reasons why I should not at that time. In the back of my mind, I really wanted to go back. I thought of all the things I could do with a degree in my chosen field. I wanted to help those who needed the help the most. The day that I received the call from the admission representative was the day I decided not to let anything get in my way of making a better living for me and my family. I loved my kids that much to say on that day to not make any more excuses and to go forward with what I had been wanting to do for a long time. I did have naysayers who thought raising five kids and going to school while working would be too much on me, but being the determined individual that I am; I did not let that get me down. Instead of allowing that negativity to set in my mind I am using it to fuel my fire to receive good grades and graduate. The benefits of returning to school are accomplishing a goal, preparing myself for a career, and making life better for me and my children. During this time my family and I are living in low income housing and I want a better location for them. I grew up in low

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