How To Write A Brief Summary Of African Americans

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Chapter 1 summary New World Beginnings It was 500 years ago that Europeans set foot on the Americas to begin colonization. As the Great Ice Age diminished, so did the glaciers over North America. People walked across a “Land Bridge”, which connected to Asia and North America across (what is now) the Bering Sea. They walked across the bridge before the seal level rose and closed the bridge. Those people spread across North, South, and Central America with 2,000 different languages. The first American corn growers were Pueblo Indians. And the people who built huge ceremonial and burial mounds were called the Mound Builders. Native Americans were so different compared to Europeans. They viewed things differently. Like, Native Americans had no interest in money while Europeans loved money or gold. The…show more content…
Later it was along the West African coast. Slaves ended up on sugar plantations the Portuguese had set up on the tropical islands off Africa’s coast. Spain was jealous of Portugal’s success with exploration and slaving. It was when Isabella and Ferdinand were sad by the fact that Portugal was getting powerful when Christopher Columbus convinced them to fund his expedition to Asia. Columbus’s goal was to reach East Indies by sailing west. Queen Isabella sent 3 ships with Columbus. When he reached the land, he thought he’d made it to the East Indies and mistook the people as “Indians.” But he actually found the “New World”. The Indians had no immunities in their system to built up over generations. Columbians traded corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash tomato, wild rice, and also syphilis. A lot of people died due to disease. The Treaty of Tordesillas signed at Tordesillas on July 7, 1794. This was a treaty between Spain and Portugal. It moved the line 270 leagues west, to 370 leagues west of Cape Verde. Portugal received east of the line and Spain received west of the

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