How to Really Make a Cake

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How to Really Make a Cake A cake is more than just a delicious fluffy treat; it can be a work of art if you let it. A cake is a way to express yourself whether to express how much you care on someone’s birthday or if you express your hunger by indulging with one two many cupcakes. Any one can make a cake, as long as they can use a mixer, measuring cups, own a large bowl and can follow directions. Baking can be a task at times but the challenge is all in your head; baking is only as fun is you make it. It is all about how you approach the three main elements of cake excellence: preparation, bake time, and decorating. The first step toward the ultimate cake success is the preparation. This step is perhaps the most underrated and overlooked step, unfortunately it can essentially make or break you entire product. Before you begin be sure you hare carefully and completely read the recipe directions and ingredients. Note that if any ingredients cause allergies to anyone around you, reading ahead of time allows you to swap out those foods without stress. For example you could swap regular flour for gluten free or swap eggs for applesauce, and these changes will not affect the taste of you product in anyway. When making a cake, for best results go ahead and buy the good stuff like Betty Crocker and Little Debbie. Stock up when it’s on-sale because cake mixes really do taste so different and quality is key. Pre-heat the oven before you start combine ingredients and make sure you work space is clean, your hands are washed and your hair is tied back. A few items you will needs are oven mitts, an electric mixer or a large spoon, mixing bowl, a cake mix, measuring cups and spoon, milk, eggs, oil, tooth picks and a spatula. Cooking spray is a great way to make sure your cake doesn’t stick but it can cause a majour-slipping hazard so grease your pan over the sink. Music is

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