How to Leash Train a Dog

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PoorThere is nothing more frustrating and tiring than trying to control a Dane who pulls, drags, and shoves you around when on a leash. It is frustrating for me to see it, because it is so easy to prevent and correct. Like all other behaviors, walking nicely on a leash is easiest to teach as a puppy. I highly recommend you leash train your Dane right away, don’t wait for puppy class because they will be 40 or so pounds by 12 weeks.Step One: as soon as your puppy is home, about 8-9 weeks old, put a collar on him or her. This gets them accustomed to the sensation of something on their neck. They may scratch at it, or try to get it off, but as long as it is not too loose, they can’t remove it themselves. They will get used to it, so resist the urge to remove the collar when they are fussing about it. If you wish, you can remove it once they are not disturbed by it, but mine never leave the house without it on! The little ones can be hard to get ahold of if you need to without a collar.Step 2: When a puppy is quiety chewing a bone, or resting, introduce them to their leash. Let your puppy smell the leash and touch it (click/treat if you are clicker training), but don’t let them mouth it yet–it is not a toy, and they need to learn that.To a puppy, everything is a toy until you teach them what is and what isn’t. A simple correction like “ahhg” or “tssh” with a frown or little a nose tap will usually be enough for them to return to the bone. If they leave it, click and treat. Later on, you may wish to teach them to find and bring it, but for an 8 wk old, it doesn’t go in their mouths.I leave the leash on while they are relatively quiet, not moving around much. If they are getting up to play, I take it off because leash doesn’t equal playtime.introducing the leash to 9 wk old KenaiStep 3: When you take them outside to relieve themselves, put the leash on them and simply

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