How to Keep the Elderly Active

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How to keep the elderly active: Physical Activities – * Walking * Water activities (such as water aerobics or swimming) * Riding a bike * Badminton * Going outside (maybe even gardening and mowing the lawn) * Any other hobbies Mental Activities – * Completing puzzles * Doing word games such as crosswords * Doing mathematical activities like Sudoku * Reading * Take up new hobbies (knitting or sewing) * Watching question and answer shows and joining in (e.g. Countdown) * Relaxing with things like meditation * Engage in social activities Are the elderly getting enough stimulation? Some care/residential homes may not be providing the residents with the opportunity to participate in both physical and mental activities to keep their mind and body active. For example some care homes may have bingo nights and have question and answer shows on their TV but not make allowances for physical activities. This means the residents are kept inside all day and although having the mental stimulation may not be getting the proper physical activities they need. What are the benefits of keeping the elderly active? Physical – * You keep healthy and fit to reduce the risk of any health problems. * You have more energy to concentrate and do things. Intellectual – * Are able to concentrate for longer. * Can improve your memory and existing abilities. Emotional – * Being healthy can overall improve you mood and reduce stress. * It gives you something to do and distract yourself from any worries and concerns. Social – * More able to go out and socialise as you are healthy enough * More able to do hobbies and make new friends with similar interests. Possible barriers that can affect the engagement in activities: * Disabilities * Injury * Mental state
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