How Staff Can Promote Anti-Discrimination in Different Ways, Putting Them Into Practice

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In this assignment I will explain how staff can promote anti-discrimination in different ways, putting them into practice. Discrimination can come in two forms direct discrimination is when people are treated differently openly e.g. Being disrespectful to someone in a conversation. Indirect is when it isn't as obvious, it may be unintentional by not thinking about other races, cultures etc. for example meals in a canteen not serving a kosher option. Anti-discriminatory practice is preventing discrimination on the grounds of race, class, gender, disability. All employees in a care setting should promote anti-discriminatory practice in the workplace as it is key to promoting equality. ‘Poor practice is discriminatory practice’. The Care Standards Act 2000 outlines National care standards that are to be fulfilled in health and social care settings by all staff. To promote anti-discriminatory practice, legislation is in place to promote the rights of the service user, codes of conduct, policies and procedures for health care professionals to follow there is also charters and guidelines so service users can review the care they have been given. Today we live in a more secular, diverse and multicultural society. Healthcare professionals should promote service users rights, they have the right to freedom of discrimination, to confidentiality, dignity, privacy, safety and security, choices- being able to make their own decisions, and to be listened to. In hospital care settings staff can put anti-discrimination into practice by carrying out different duties, following different policies and procedures and genuinely having a good attitude. Staff should treat everyone equally but not the same, the health care professionals should provide support to those who need it in order for them to have equal opportunities and access to their specific needs. For example

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