How Reading and Writing Changed My Life

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I am not a professional reader or writer by any means. In fact I do not like reading at all, but then reading is a part of life. The first memory I have of writing is at five. I used to watch my grandmother fill out papers, bills, and just write stories. It made me curious on how she done all of that. I had always wanted to be like her; it was necessary for me to be able to write like she could. There were a thousand other things that my five year old body could be worried about doing, but, I wanted to learn how to write. I knew that all I had to do was ask. She has always helped me with everything or anything that I wanted done. I can remember my grandmother sitting with me, on the back porch in the rocking chair, teaching me the letters of the alphabet and numbers one through ten. When I eventually learned to write the letters she began to teach me words. And oh boy, it was on then. She taught me how to write my name first, and after I had that down pat my name was written everywhere. My grandmother made writing easy just as everything else. She was one of the only people that I would sit down with and let teach me things that I needed to know. After she taught me a lot about writing it led me to reading. My interest in writing led to my desire to read. Mrs. Byrd, my kindergarten teacher, first taught me how to read books. During class one day, she asked me if I wanted to learn how to read. She always saw me trying to read different things so she started helping me with reading books. So beings that I was curious about everything I did not turn her down. It was one on one teaching so I knew it would be easier for me to learn. It was easy for her to assign the rest of the class work and dedicate her time to one student. I remember the first book we started with was “Dick and Jane”. I was struggling at first, but I finally started to get the words flowing out of
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