How Others Treat Muslims

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Assalamualaikum, and good morning. My name is Hazrina and I’m a 14-year-old student from Malaysia. In this essay, I’m going to write about how people treat muslims in western countries. From what I saw on youtube, many muslim women in western countries are treated cruel and unfair. Just because they’re covering the whole body, doesn’t mean that they’re terrorist, right? This is what the Quran tells us to do. As muslim women, we have rights to cover the whole body to prevent sexual harassment. We don’t wear short skirts, because we know how men will judge us, how they will seduce us, how they will look at us. That’s why Allah tells us not to expose our body. That’s why we need to wear loose clothes, and long headscarf to cover the breast. Is that wrong? If you think we are terrorist, I got some questions for you. Who started world war 1, and 2? Who killed innocent children in Palestine? Are they muslims? If someone from other religion commits these acts, maybe he is called them ‘a criminal’. But if he is a muslims, people called him ‘a terrorist’??? When a Jew grows his beard, he is doing it in other to practice his faith But the hell when a Muslim does the same, he is called the extremist and terrorist? When a nun covered from head to toe, she is doing it in order to devote herself to God. But when a Muslim girl does the same, when is she been oppressed (treated cruel and unfair)? When a western woman stays at home to look after her house and kids, she is respected by the entire society because of of sacrificing her life to her house. But then, if a Muslim woman does the same, why the hell she been oppressed? When a girl go to university wearing what she wills, she has her rights and freedom. But why the hell when a Muslim girl wears hijab, they prevent her from entering the university? When a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential
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