How Has Technology Changed the Way We Cook and Prepare Food

543 Words3 Pages
The integration of technology into the world of cooking has and will continue to change the way we cook and prepare food. Modern day technology has made it faster and easier to cook. This day in age, we rely heavily on kitchen appliances and gadgets. As kitchen technology has evolved so has our dependence on such cooking aids. Now more than ever, people’s lives have become busier and with children and full schedules we look for ways to make faster and healthier meals. Kitchens are the foundation of the house; everything we do is in the kitchen. First, kitchen appliances were improved through the power of electricity. This improvement impacted the lives of families positively. Appliances such as the crock pot and microwave oven have made cooking time shorter. Busy families can put something into the crock pot and let is cook all day and then when they are done with their jobs they can have a hot meal waiting for them. Electrical appliances were the first wave of technological advances in the kitchen. Then came microwave technology and convection cooking. This technology made everything faster and easier for the home cook. Computers have also changed the way we work in the kitchen. Computers have given us the ability to search recipes and “how to guides,” or we can even watch cooking shows online. When computer technology was added to common kitchen appliances, a whole new world opened up. The advantages to these technological appliances are that they have contributed in simplifying our daily lives. Electrical appliances have revolutionized the way we prepare our meals. These inventions have made tasks simpler and faster. They are able to combine certain jobs into one for more accuracy and a faster preparation time. These advances are still improving today. Modern technology is now made to be more efficient. These new advancements are indicators of what was

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