How Far Was the Organisation and the Structure of the League Responsible for Its Failure in the 1930’s?

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How far was the organisation and the structure of the league responsible for its failure in the 1930’s? I believe that the structure and organisation was mainly responsible for the failure of the league. The most significant structure problem was the workings of the council this was because there were only five permanent members; the USA wasn’t one of them. Their base was in Europe which meant they had no other presence in other continents, this was a problem as to get world peace they needed all the continents to be part of the League of Nations. Another structural problem was the meeting schedule for the Assembly; they only met up once a year. This meant that they could not respond to immediate problems or disasters and would be no help to a crisis. Another problem in the assembly was that ideas or decisions had to be passed with a unanimous vote, with lots of different countries and people this meant passing a decision was very hard. This was crucial as the assembly voted in the budget for the league. All funding to support the work of the committees and organisations came for the assembly- this was a one major failure. The fact that there had to be a unanimous vote also affected the The secretariat was supposed to co-ordinate the different functions of the league however there were too few secretaries to do the work, which made it slow and inefficient. The aim of the Permanent Court of International Justice was to settle disputes between countries and give legal advice, but there was one major flaw due to organisation, they couldn’t know if the countries were abiding by the law. Even though the structure put the league at a big disadvantage the fact the USA did not join was also massively responsible for the league’s downfall. It was a world super power and would have benefited the league greatly. The structure and organisation was clearly mostly

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