How Far Do You Agree with the View That, in the Years 1829-37, President Andrew Jackson ‘Democratised’ American Politics?

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In the years 1829-37 president Andrew Jackson arguably increased democracy in America and therefore to an extend democratised American politics as Andrew Jackson was elected with a greater franchise than ever before which increases legitimacy, which is the basis of a democracy, together with the fact that he introduced a spoil system which also legitimised his presidency. Moreover, Andrew Jackson’s use of his federal power in fact also increased his legitimacy as he became more representative which therefore suggests that Andrew Jackson did in fact democratise the country however, on the other hand it is arguable that Andrew Jackson didn’t democratise in favour of all Americans and in fact reduced democracy for minorities such as the Indians and women. Andrew Jackson, in 1824 received a greater number of votes than any other president before his time which increased his legitimacy greatly and therefore Andrew Jackson started his term on strong democratic platform. During and after the election, Jackson pledged that he would open up the political system through a series of Constitutional amendments to increase the direct political power of the electorate. He proposed the elimination of the Electoral College and the direct popular election of the president. He suggested that all federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court, should be popularly elected and he recommended that United States Senators should be chosen by the people through direct election rather than selected by their state legislatures. These were all democratic changes as it increased the power of the “men”. Moreover, Jackson also argued that America's government would be more democratic and less subject to elite manipulation if the president was limited to a single term in office. And he similarly suggested that all appointed federal office-holders should be rotated out of their

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