How Does Steinbeck Present Ralph In Lord Of The Flies

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An airplane crashed on an island. There is a boy called Ralph, who survived the crash. He also meets just right after the beginning of the book a boy, who will be called “Piggy” (due to his body stature). The two of them continue to wander around and eventually find the beach. Ralph takes a shell and with a certain technique, this shell makes a loud sound so that maybe other people will hear him. This was all Piggy’s idea. Many children hear Ralph and they all gather at Ralph’s place. There seem to be no adults. The children vary strongly in age. Some are as young as six years whereas the oldest are something with twelve (Ralph is twelve). One of the older children, who also is a leader of a choir, has the name Merridew, who acts somewhat noble. Ralph proposes that…show more content…
With him come Merridew and a younger boy called Simon. Piggy also wants to come with them and he tells Ralph that he does not want to be called like this. Ralph understands him, but he says that everyone has his name and that it will not change. They continue their journey through the island and finally realize that in fact, it is an island. Ralph suggests going over the mountain back to their original place, as he thinks it might be a shortcut. The climbing seems to be quite hard and the jungle becomes denser and denser. But after some time, climbing up the mountain becomes easier and on the top of the mountain, they have a great view over some parts of the island. On their way down the mountain, they first realize that they are actually very hungry. They spot a pig, who was caught in a curtain of creepers and was desperately trying to escape. Merridew instinctively takes out his pocket knife and wants to stab the pig to death, but he hesitates, because he realized, what he was actually going to do. The pig finally escapes. The three of them return to their original place, where everyone else was already

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