The Main Themes In Animal Farm

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Discuss the main characters in animal farm and contribute to the main themes In this essay I am going to discuss how the main characters in animal farm, George Orwell, contribute to the main themes, such as how they contribute to utopia, power and hierarchy. Farmer jones is only in the begging of the book/film farmer jones is a tyrant man who doesn’t really care about his animals and he has lots of power because he makes sure that the animals are scared of him by whipping them and treating them badly. He has a kind of utopia of basically drinking and staying in his bed and being lazy. In the end he gets chased out by the animals. Old major had lots of power because he was the oldest, wisest and the prize boar. We know that he has power because he is on a raised platform when speaking to the other animals and all the animals will listen to him contently. He is at the top of the animal hierarchy and in the overall hierarchy he is just below Mr Jones. We know that he is at the top because in the speech he is literally above everyone else, also we know because he says “you may have already heard my dream” this shows that everyone talks about him because he is important. His utopia is basically a country run by animals that are all equal that’s why he shows them ‘Beasts of England’ so he basically wants to get rid of “tyrant man”. In the 2nd chapter he old big Berkshire bore dies in his sleep. Thirdly I’m going to discuss Napoleon. Napoleon finds Old majors death a convenience because he can take power. He is very selfish pig because he gains power in bad ways like how he brings the puppies up and makes them into an army to gain power by using them to chase Snowball(his biggest rival) out of the farm. To show power Napoleon adapts the characteristics of man who were power full and in the film we see Benjamin imagine Napoleon turning into Mr Jones. He also shows
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