How Do the Differences in Culture and Belief Affect the Gender-Roles in Jerusalem and the United States?

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In every society there seems to be a definite set of standards for individuals based on their gender. The foundation of what people see as appropriate and what they see as inapt for a specific gender is an idea that is implanted in our minds as we grow up. The beliefs, lifestyle, and guidance of our parents and other adults who have great influence in our lives are what prevents us from challenging these gender-roles, thus letting them be passed on to the future generations. Humans all originate from one central point, so why is it that in different parts of the world there are different ideas of what is the “proper” role of women? Need for food and shelter caused early humans to seek a nomadic existence. As these humans moved across our continents there physical appearances began to change as well as their daily lifestyle and ideologies. This is the foundation on which the gender-roles of today’s societies lay. Women in Jerusalem as well as women in the United States have certain things that people expect of them, but how are these expectations different? As time goes on what is expected of these women change because of advances in our knowledge and adaptations in our beliefs based on information that is gained, technological advances, and mind evolution that occurs over the years. As we endure through time our ideas and beliefs are changed because the way we live today is different than the way people lived thousands of years ago, thus forcing us to develop new ideas of a functional society in order to prosper. Today women are well represented in many fields, both traditional such as teaching, nursing, and child care as well as nontraditional for example law, politics, and the military. However things have not always been this way. Women in Jerusalem’s specific roles are different than they were hundreds of years ago, but one could argue that the difference is

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