Essay on a Positive Identity

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Self-concept influences how we relate with others, and our ability to advocate for equity. Our attitudes, global views, experiences and behaviors are largely influenced by our self-concepts. The way we grow up, and the experiences we acquire every day determines the persons we become in future. I have grown up into a principled woman. Despite the rigorous efforts to redefine the female identity in China, women occupy inferior positions both at society and family levels. Our family is not exceptional; my mother is obliged to surrender her salary to my father, then my father hands my mother just enough money to cover our domestic budget and keeps the balance in his bank account. My mother can take charge none consequential obligations like purchasing daily item and clothing, but bigger financial decisions, such as buying automobiles are first discussed with my father. Conversely, my father can buy anything without consulting with us. He also maintains a small balance for household budget because he thinks my mother lacks business knowledge to manage cash. Therefore, before I came to American for college, I always thought I needed to learn from my mother because I would occupy a similar position in future. However, this changed when I discussed family matters with my American friends. I learnt that each of their parents have separate bank account. Also, I discovered that most American couples pay tuition of their children or dinner bills from separate accounts. The social position occupied by American women has really impressed me. This experience has changed my perception about the identity women, and has made me more assertive and independent. I have learnt that I should never dependent on other people. Women, who work for their own money, take care of their financial needs, stand up for their own beliefs and maintain stable relationships are the kind of women

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