How Did V Change Evey Hammond?

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Remember Remember The Fifth of November Is V good or evil? This question comes to mind after watching to film. There are many strong reasons for both sides in the movie. Although the director’s main aim is to criticise totalitarianism and he uses V for this idea, I want to analyze the characteristics of V and Evey as a person. V is not stable throughout the film. He bombs populated buildings, kills hundreds of innocent civilians, he is a merciless murderer. But he is the hero of the society that is oppressed by Norsefire regime. Despite these facts, his evil part isn’t visible to us. So why don’t we consider V as an evil character? The answer of this question is behind the lifestyle of all of us. Today we live in a world of Capitalism. The majority of countries are ruled with the regime democracy. Democratic governments allow their community the right to choose who they are governed by. So we are used to the freedom which is given by this regime. If this freedom is taken from us, we will surely protest to get our rights back. At that point we identify with V. V’s community is depressed by Norsefire and he wants to free his people from this brutality. In the beginings of the film, Evey represents the oppressed English society. Eventhough V saves her several times (from the norsefire police who almost rape her and from the Jordan Tower), she is scared from him when she wakes up in his house. The oppressed people are fearful. They are afraid of everything that is against their government’s rules. They don’t question government’s sanctions. They only obey and pray. As a terrorist, V is against all the things Evey believe until she meets him. That’s why she doesn’t trust him. The evil in V shows itself in the fake jail scene. This scene is the most important part of the film for character flow of Evey. V builds a fake jail and torture her as he tortured at the

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