The World State in Brave New World Versus the United States

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The World State and the United States In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the government of the World State ensures that the society remains loyal through the formation of a caste system. Alphas and Betas are in the topmost position of the system and function like politicians, scientists, and other elite. Deltas, Gammas, and Epsilons are at the base, and stand for the World State’s industrial class. The United State’s social system is somewhat different and consisted of three parts: The upper class, middle class, and lower class. It is how citizens within these societies function that the reader can deduce the differences and similarities. The World State and the United States have many resemblances and variances in their government, economy, and religions. The government in the World State holds totalitarian ideals while the United States has a democracy. Although a democracy, the American government manipulates society somewhat by developing genetically modified foods, test tube babies, and other manipulations in order to make a world of their liking. The government of the U.S. doesn’t control society completely, however. Citizens decide who they will be and what they will do. In America, viviparous births are the normality. It is a great happiness to become a mother. The World State, however, restricts viviparous births and brainwashes society into thinking that mothers are vile. The government in the novel controls every aspect of society through cloning individuals and conditioning them to accept the government’s ideals and their forced role in society. In the World State, the government controls the economy. The United States, however, holds a capitalistic economy. Although the government has some say in the American economy, it is different from that in the World State because primarily citizens and private companies control the U.S. economy. The World

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