How Did The Media Influence The Use Of Dress Code Of Conduct In The Military Profession?

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Joan McNamara Chapter 14 question answers 1…My husband is a former police officer and I just realized that over the years of associating with his police friends that they always referred to themselves as a family which can be categorized as a subgroup. Listening to many of their stories about police work, with words such as “skell” or “mutt” referring to a bad guy or “holding one” or “one under” referring to an arrest indicated they had their own language. Over the years I have learned to understand the jargon and identify with this subgroup. 2…Many corporations have developed their own symbols, jargon, their own dress codes and status symbols recognized by insiders only. It is viewed as social advantage, bringing consistency and every one onto the same page. Their jargon or set of symbols communicated towards its members to communicate meaning and experience can sometimes be misunderstood similar to that between different cultures. Their dress code policy of “dressing down” to feel more at home, comfortable and leading towards more productivity may be offensive to other companies who view dressing down as lazy, sloppy and not caring. Corporations who impose the use of their own language on other individuals is its attempt at making its company dominant, similar to cultures where the…show more content…
The media is certainly responsible for introducing ideas from one culture to another rapidly. This is no different in the subgroup-gay community. Market research has shown that gay men and women are very brand loyal to companies that advertise in the gay press. IKEA aired the first television ad showing two clearly identifiable gay men shopping for a dining room table, gay magazines were drawing advertising from car companies, the travel industry and liquor companies to tap into the gay market, while showing their human

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