How Did Osama Bin Laden Influence The World

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Osama bin Laden was known as one of the most wanted people in the world. His terrorist acts were met with incomprehension and disgust for most people. As of 2011, the death of Osama bin Laden has been officially confirmed, the reactions of the individuals were divided into two parts. To date, many are wondering what the intentions from Osama bin Laden finally were with his past deeds. Osama bin Laden has remained in memory mainly in the western countries and Europe as a poor person and monster. Most people forget that his actions and behavior also had good sides. Osama Bin Laden stood up for an idea of a free Palestine. The top priority of his actions were to first, return the freedom to exercise religion whithin the Islamic nation. Second, to eliminate the influence of the West. The western and Islamic lifestyles could not be more different. The West lives in a state for…show more content…
He introducted a point of view, a better Palestine; a free Palestine by American soldiers, a Palestine by the country of its resources can used to build a successful business, and most importantaly, a Palestine that in the future has a say in the world, a Palestine that is heard and not ignored. In my opinion, Osama bin Laden was a man with a vision for his country. He fought for what he thought was the right way for Palestine. It is very important to understand his views and his behaviors to avoid such attacks and bad situations like the terrorist act which occurred on 9/11. By understanding terrorist groups, society can evade much violence and can save many innocent lives. One positive purpose in developing an ability to understand and articulate views one disagrees with can serve in our society to understand different types of society better. Every society has it owns religions and actions. In order to differentiate the positive and negative parts from each society helps us to accept different acts and to see the society as a

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