How Did Julius Caesar Build The Roman Empire

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1. The founding myth of Rome is telling us about Romulus and Remus and how the king ordered to have them killed. They were saved by the gods, rescued by a female wolf, and raised by a shepherd. They then killed the king and made their own city, Rome. 2. The Etruscans were the people that first occupied Rome before everything else. They were very harsh and strict. Rome then used some of the beliefs of the Etruscans and entered a government that relied on peace and tranquility. Today, people don’t even know the Etruscans language. However, we do know their type of clothing (toga). 3. In the Roman Republic, there were 2 consuls and each had veto rights. Also, there was a senate with 300 rich men. In the Republic, people could only serve for one year. This was a law so that one man cannot gain absolute power. However, in the Roman Empire, there was one ruler that had absolute power (like Pharaoh). The Roman Empire spread to between Mesopotamia and England. 4. Julius Cesar was a man that helped conquer many other countries. This led to Rome becoming an empire. However, Julius Cesar crossed the Rubicon…show more content…
To start, the Roman Empire had a government that was designed for a city-state. Perhaps they did not realize that they were way mire than that. An empire cannot stand with that type of government and Rome proved that. Also, the Eastern part of Europe began taking power from the West. This led to a very corrupt government with many different views. Also, the unstable leadership caused the fall of the Roman Empire. Without a strict and passionate ruler, Rome had no chance. They needed someone who stuck by them and agreed with the rest of the government. Unfortunately, that was not the case. For example, Julius Cesar was stabbed 23 different times while being in the corrupt government. Politics also played a vital role in the collapse of the Roman

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