Fall Of The Roman Republic Essay

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The Roman Republic was facing internal problems that would cause it to ultimately collapse into the Roman Empire. Including social unrest between the classes and military entering into politics, among other reasons, the Roman Republic crumbled under itself and gave way to the beginning of new government. A second triumvirate ended with civil war and the Republic was over; however, Octavian created the Roman Empire in its place. Because of the stabilizing government, strong legal system and increasing trade, the Pax Romana was able to remain tied together for about 210 years. The Roman Republic was struggling to remain in power but the social unrest was a not a helping factor in helping the Republic to last for a while longer. In 133…show more content…
It was composed of Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus. The Republic was divided into two with Octavian governing the west and Anthony the east. Lepidus was pushed out of the picture as the two of leaders made this agreement of a split Rome. Eventually breaking out into civil war, Octavian defeated Antony at the battle of Actium in 31 BC. Octavian was in total control of Rome after Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide. The first thing Octavian had to do before being able to make any changes in Rome was to restore order. He called himself, princeps, or first citizen carefully avoiding the title of emperor, so the new government was officially called the Principate. In 27 BC, the Senate gave Octavian the name Augustus as a title of honor. Augustus ruled for about 40 years bringing great change to the empire. He split the power or rule between himself and the Senate, yet he kept power over most financial and administrative business. Wanting to bring peace to the west, Augustus created a foreign affairs program. He also promoted literature when he realized it could enhance the status of his fame. After Augustus died in 14 AD, relatives of Julius Caesar, the Julio-Claudian Emperors came to rule. These rulers had different abilities that affected the empire. After the last of the Julio-Claudian Emperors, Nero, died by suicide in 68 AD, civil wars
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