How Are the Living Circumstances and Personal Health Situation of Frank Likely to Impact Upon His Quality of Life

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How are the living circumstances and personal health situation of Frank likely to impact upon his quality of life? In my essay I’m going to show how living circumstances and health situation impact upon Frank’s quality of life. In first part of my essay I’m going to explain meaning of quality of life and I’m going to base my answer on theory of Len Doyal and Ian Gough, Abraham Maslow. In second part of my essay I’m going to try point out how power and participation play important role in quality of life. Quality of life is a general well-being in the terms of happiness and life satisfaction and means for everyone something different, what is important for one person may not be for another. Needs are dependent on age, circumstances and culture. Quality of life has subjective and objective views. Objective is based on facts and includes basic needs such as food, income, employment, education, clean and safe environment; protective housing but it doesn’t include people’s desires and views. Subjective views include people feelings and desires but also freedom and independency. Good quality of life would include both objective and subjective aspects. Franks circumstances are likely to upon on his quality of live .Frank has diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and struggles with day to day duties also his wife Dot has problems with Fatigue. Franks illness may cause him problems with breathing, tiredness. Frank may identified himself as the main carer for his wife but he has no energy to leave the house and he doesn’t drive. Len Doyal and Ian Gough ‘’Theory of human needs’’ (Keynes, 2010) argue that physical health, survival and autonomy are basic, failure result in serious psychological harm. Intermediate needs may include food, water, safe physical, work environment and access to appropriate health care. Doyal and Gough argue that people need to have

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