Hot Yoga Essay

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Hot Yoga Bikram yoga, the most famous form of hot yoga, has been around since the early 1970s. Living yoga master Bikram Choudhury is a hot yoga innovator. He established the twenty six poses and two breathing exercises that make up Bikram yoga. Most often, the temperature of the room for hot yoga tends to be anywhere from ninety five to one hundred and five degrees (Jio par. 1). As you can imagine, a vigorous yoga session at a high temperature promotes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm. This prolific amount of sweating allows the body to cleanse itself leaving it refreshed and detoxified. From reviewing the questionnaires I had multiple people fill out, majority of them said they found that hot yoga had helped them lose weight. My sister, Anna, claimed, “So far I have lost twenty lbs, over the past four months.” Many also said that hot yoga helped improve their flexibility. Sierra states, “I don’t feel as tired as I used to and my flexibility has greatly increased.” Anna also alleged that she felt her energy level has increased since she has been going. Reviewing the results shows that eight out of ten people felt rejuvenated afterwards. They love the way they feel after hot yoga. Two out of ten people reasoned that they did not like how hot the room was, but that is the whole point of the yoga class. The heat is supposed to increase the blood flow and clean the toxins out of the body. Others declared that they did not appreciate how crowded the room was. This goes to show how popular hot yoga has become and the crave for it that has grown in our small town. There has been a fair amount of controversy over if hot yoga is healthy for the body or not. Some yoga enthusiasts claim of yoga is safe, effective and so good for your body. Bikram’s Yoga College of India claims, “It has been proved and experienced by millions that these

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