Homeschool vs. Public Education

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Home School vs. Public Education As it comes time for children to attend school, parents start to think about which educational environment may be best for their child. Since 1918 parents have been required by law to ensure that children are educated and public schools for years have been the main source of education for American children. Before that, many children were homeschooled, an option that once more on the rise. While comparing and contrasting social development, academic learning, and peer pressure, differences between home and public schooling are apparent. However, both can provide our children a quality education. In a public school setting the child has social interaction daily with his or her peers. A child studying in a public school is exposed to other children from different races, ethnicity, and religions. As such, public school prepares an individual to face the world with confidence. In public schools, children also get the opportunity to interact with those who have a different viewpoint. Many people feel that when a child is homeschooled, they are not being subjected to the same level of social interaction as that of children who attend public school. This is because homeschool groups are often less diverse racially, ethnically, and by religious affiliation, than public schools. However, there are many social opportunities for the homeschooled child, which includes planned events that are positive social experiences. One of the easiest ways for a homeschooled child to have social interaction is by joining a local homeschool group. In addition to providing a support network, these groups also plan and organize educational field trips and other social gatherings. Public schools’ extra-curricular activities are for both homeschool and public school children. Public Schools must allow students who are taught at home the option to
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