Homelessness In America Case Study

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Homelessness in America is a "revolving-door" crisis. Many people exit homelessness quickly, but many more individuals become homeless every day. During a year’s time, four or five times as many people experience homelessness as are homeless on any particular day. More families with children than un-partnered people enter and leave homelessness during a year; families represent a relatively large share of the annual population. As a result, during a typical year, between 900,000 and 1.4 million children are homeless with their families. Annual homelessness figures exceed 1 percent of the total U.S. population and may represent as much as 10 percent of all poor people in this country. Even though many of these people are homeless for only…show more content…
There were strategies developed by the Kings County Community Homelessness Advisory Committee that he could have utilized in approaching and attacking vagrancy. The first strategy established by the committee due to need for further funding would have been to improve as well as increase shelter capacity. The strategy would have been proficient in improving conditions and eliminating the number of people turned away due to inadequate housing. Another strategy the mayor could have implemented, also at the direction of the committee would have been providing assistance to those in permanent housing by following them as they progress throughout the scale of care. There was also the suggestion of providing sub groups of homeless who had limited access to resources. Lastly, the strategy to develop a coordinated network of client services for the homeless would have been…show more content…
Assessments are systematic and ongoing processes of providing usable and useful information about the needs of a target population to those who can and will use it to make judgments about policy and programs. They are necessary when it comes to implementing new programs as they are used to set goals, planning paths to achieve goals, assess progress and plan for improvement. Needs assessments are important tools for communities. They can have important impacts on policy-making decisions, provided they are carried out well and results are disseminated effectively. It is possible to conduct assessments on various subgroups of a community as opposed to the whole community. However, the importance of using an organized approach in any assessment cannot be overemphasized, regardless of whose needs are assessed and how they are

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