Holden: Surviving Life

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Holden: Surviving Life There are a lot of people that commit suicide each year, but there are also a great number of people that get through their problems and do not commit suicide. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger is about the main character Holden Caufield who has been through a lot and his future is uncertain. Holden will not commit suicide. Holden will not commit suicide because he is able to take care of himself. One way Holden is able to take care of himself is that he lives in a dorm. Since Holden lives in a dorm he does not have an adult figure to tell him what to do. Holden has to make a lot of decisions on his own. Holden is also able to take care of himself when he left Pencey Prep. Holden was able to take care of himself, by staying at a hotel. Holden also bought a present for his sister. Holden was also able to take care of himself because he was able to get himself from place to place. Holden took taxis and rode trains by himself. This showed that he is brave able to get himself transportation. Holden was able to take care of himself all these times which shows that he can support the way he lives and will not commit suicide. Holden will not commit suicide because he is social. One time Holden is social is when he went to talk to his teacher. Holden talks to his teacher to say goodbye, since he is leaving Pencey Prep. This shows that Holden had courage and is social towards adults. A second time Holden is social is when he talks to his taxi driver. Holden invites his taxi driver to come drink with him. This is a weird thing to do but shows that Holden is very social. A third time Holden is social is when he goes on a date or flirts with girls. When Holden goes to the bar he flirts with some girls but they laugh and turn him down. Holden also goes on a date with a girl he used to know. Holden is very social with a

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