Hitler's Role In The Holocaust

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The Nazi State’s domestic policies and different historical interpretations of the holocaust The role of children and women and the debate about their status was a key aspect in Weimar society. Hitler and the Nazi’s had very clear ideas about what they wanted from both women and children; they used the passing of laws, combined with encouragement and propaganda to achieve their goals. Nazi policies began to appeal to people who had lost faith in Weimar; offering strong leadership, and gave them someone to blame; Jews and Weimar politicians. (Culpin, 2001) This essay will analyse the effectiveness and success of the domestic policies on the role of women and children in the Nazi State and evaluate the historical interpretations of the holocaust. Hitler believed a healthy, pure race would…show more content…
The ‘final solution’ of genocide was introduced at the Wannsee Conference of 1942. (Nichols, 2008). Most Historians divide into two schools when interpreting the Holocaust; the intentionalists and structualists. The intentionalists believe that Hitler’s intentions were clearly set out in Mein Kampf, early in his career, and when he came to power he and the Nazi party followed a step-by–step path to fulfilling these plans. Historians, Bracher and Jackel believed the holocaust was a completely intentional act, as Wyman states: “Intentionalism anchored Nazi behaviour in Hitler’s and his cohorts' deeply felt anti-Semitism, which they had formulated well before their ascent to power; once in power, they had put into practice what their intention had been all along.” (Wyman, p.419, 1996) Intentionalists argue everything in the Nazi period, was a deliberate move towards Hitler’s ultimate goals. Hitler was a fanatical anti-Semite, who committed himself to the extermination of the Jews from early in his career. Intentionalist historian, Goldhagen argues Hitler had a ‘blueprint’, for the Holocaust, as Morris
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