hit and run

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M George Final Draft Hit and Run It was an extremely hot summer day. It was like volcano lava hot. It was hotter than Miami, Florida in the summer. I was standing by the candy stand where I was working for the summer. The owner of the stand whose name was Ms. Cooper was always nagging and giving advice, but no on really listened to her. That particular day she happened to be talking about why we shouldn’t stand on corners. She gave us various reasons like; police will think your drug dealers; accidents happen on corners and stuff like that. My friends and I weren’t really paying attention but we heard what she was saying. It was like listening to music while you’re sleeping. After she was done talking she said we could take a five minute break. My friend Kaeon and I went and stood on the corner. We looked both ways and saw no police or any other cars. So we thought everything was clearer than water. When we turned back around we a big boom and metal scratching in a shrill sound. It sounded like thunder roaring in the sky. I looked in that direction and saw a red van speeding away from a crash with a blue car. The red van flew past the corner stop sign and hit a black car a few feet away from me. Sharp pieces of metal flew into the air like firecrackers and smiled at me in the blue sky. The first car that was hit started going after the van but was cut off by the second. The cars danced in the street for ten seconds then went after the van. The van didn’t get far since one of its tires was bent inward. The van limped over to the side of the road. The three people involved in the accidents got out of there vehicles safely and started yelling at each other. It wasn’t soon before the police came and tried to straighten everything out. Names and numbers were traded with all the crashers and the vehicles were towed after the authorities left. Kaeon, Ms.
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