Health Inequalities Essay

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……Ethnicity and health………… Identify 4 trends in health inequality in relation to this topic. ● Diabetes among south Asian backgrounds. ●People from the Indian subcontinent experience higher mortality from heart disease. ●Asian children appear to be more susceptible to rickets than children from other backgrounds. ●Sickle cell anaemia is found in African-Caribbean populations more than in other groups. Identify an explanation for health inequalities in relation to this topic. ●People from a south Asian background have a higher risk of getting diabetes as they have a poor diet rich in fatty food, oils and sugar. There is also as genetic element and this can be left undiagnosed as some people of Asian backgrounds are not happy to participate in screening and research projects. ●People from the Indian subcontinent are more susceptible to heart disease not only from small lifestyle issues but mainly genetically passed down from their ancestors. ●Rickets in a bone disease in children that our deficient of vitamin D and iron, this deficiency comes from the pigment in their skin not being able to absorb the vitamin D via the sunlight. Poor diet and poor use of vitamins are also other factors along with the birth mother passing on the deficiency to the unborn child. ●Sickle cell is an inherited disorder affecting the red blood cells which grow abnormally which causes them to distort to a ‘sickle’ shape which clogs the blood vessels causing all sorts of issues with the heart and lungs. Identify a strategy or policy that might help to reduce health inequalities in this area. ●A possible strategy to help reduce the risk of diabetes is educating the specified group of individuals as to which foods to avoid and which exercises can help with their cardiovascular system and strengthen their bodies. Also offer screening to a younger range as at

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