Cultural Health Habits

355 Words2 Pages
I agree with Warner in saying that we need a cultural change health habits.We live in society where a high percentage of our youth is obese and before they turn eighteen they have health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure.The parents are the one to blame, i totally understand some parents don't have the time,resources, or money,but their are ways they can decrease their children health risk. There are a number of things i see in our culture that encourage "bad" health habits.individuals skipping breakfast in the morning is one example, not eating breakfast effects metabolism and your ability to concentrate due to the fact your body has limited energy.Not brushing your teeth before you go to bed is another bad health habit,many people don't know that no brushing your teeth at night can rotten your teeth and it may cause you to have gum disease later on in life.Another bad habit that i see in our culture is individuals not eating a few a hours prior to drinking alcohol, this may lead to excessive throwing up,diarrhea,dehydration and alcohol poison. Sleeping late is major bad habit in our culture, it can cause you become sick or effect your ability to remember and think. There are a number of things i see in our culture that encourage "good" health habits.Mediation is one, mediation can lower your blood pressure,stress level, and decrease your chance of having a stroke or heart attack.Drinking water is another good habit that flushes toxins out the body and decrease your chance of getting acne or pimples. Natural food is always a good health habit that gives you more nutrients and fiber unlike regular food. Exercising or physical activity can improve your mood,decrease your chances of cardiovascular disease, and boost energy. My belief is that messages in bad health habits is stronger than the good habits.We all do bad habits everyday and don't
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