Health Care Thesis Statement

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The Federal Government Health Programs Introduction The Federal Governments three health care programs; Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP (child health insurance program) are costing $2.0 trillion per year. These programs accounted for 21 percent of the federal budget in 2010, or $753 billion. The costs of these programs to the Federal Government are astounding and have a large impact on the National Debt. An overhaul of the government health care programs is needed to reduce the continued spending of billions of wastefully dollars. Thesis statement An analysis of the Federal Governments three health care programs reveal a challenging job ahead in order to overhaul the programs to bring about reduce…show more content…
Failure to have children monitored by their health care provider regularly should result in infringements to the parent/parents. If the party responsible for the child/children is receiving government assistance in the form of monthly cash payments, then they should be subjected to paying a small partial fee for the insurance coverage. If all guidelines are followed to ensure the children are getting the proper medical treatment, than the payment premium would be waved. I know these sound good, but may possibly be unfair to charge individuals that cannot afford it and may not even understand what proper medical care is for their children. The last thing you want to do is penalize the children. Whatever is the correct answer, measures need to be put in place to ensure our children receive the medical treatment they deserve, while at the same time reduce spending. Spending on the Federal Government Health care programs in 2009 was 28.1% of the GDP and in 2010 was 24.4% of the GDP. Reductions we slight between 2009 and 2010, but much more needs to be done to reduce the spending on these programs to see a significant reduction in the National Debt segment of Federal Government health Care…show more content…
health care system. ^ (Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Attorney General Eric Holder Convene National Summit on Health Care Fraud, Unveil Historic Commitment to Fighting Fraud in President’s FY 2011 Budget (2010-10-18). Retrieved on 2010-11-04. This summit was the first national gathering on health care fraud between law enforcement and the private and public sectors and is part of the Obama Administration’s coordinated effort to fight health care

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