Health Care Reform Research Paper

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Get Health Care Reform In the East African country of Gine, people say: “to avoid having the metal rust and having a hard time to clean it up, it’s best not to leave it on the sand.” The human being is precious, valuable, and needs to be cared for. So the life of human being is very important in this world and it needs a good care to live longer and stay healthy. Everyone deserves that care no matter who the person is, for every life has its own special ability that plays great role in this world by contributing to a society or community; therefore, health care is the most important necessity for all people. America is not on a good path when it comes to the health care system and its affordability. The cost is skyrocketing; everyone pours…show more content…
For instance, John Goodman, an analyst from the Cato Institute, notes that when supporters of a more ordered, government-centered health care system cite statistics from other countries with state-run systems; they do not mention that the guidelines for these statistics can differ between, countries, and therefore, comparisons between health outcomes and quality of care are unreliable. He also questions the premise that health care requires regulation of prices, noting that the high price rises did not occur when patients had to pay for the services directly, such as for cosmetic surgery (72- 73). Finally, as author James Peron asserts, the high price of American health care may be due to high-tech innovation and better treatment (44). He and others fear that taking away the expensive treatments could lead to some patients becoming sicker or even dying, if it reduced the high quality of American health…show more content…
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