Annotated Bibliography: Affordable Care Act

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THESIS STATEMENT AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Western Governors University Annotated Bibliography: Affordable Care Act Introduction: The Patient Protection Affordable Act is an act signed into law on March 23, 2010. It requires every citizen in the United States to have health insurance failure to which, an individual is subjected to tax. Thesis Statement: Studies show that the Affordable Care Act will benefit Americans by improving access to health care, slow down the rising cost of health care, improve quality of healthcare provided and strengthen the Medicare system Annotated Bibliography Gruber, J., & Newquist, H. (2011). Health care reform (1st ed.). New York: Hill and Wang. The book explains all that the Health care act entails. Jonathan Gruber is one of the top healthcare writers and therefore his credibility is well known. Gruber has been in the front line fighting for the health care reforms. The long time experience that he has, is brought out in this book as he seeks to explain the act in depth. The book explains the fears and confusion created by the people that are not fully aware what the act entails. The book is very helpful to anybody who has only been listening to the media about the Health Care Act. It gives a deep coverage of the issue and separates the facts from the myths. The book is important to the research as it gives the details about the act and its implementation process. Tate, N. (2014). Obamacare survival guide The Affordable Care Act and What It Means for You and Your Healthcare (1st Ed.). New York: Humanix Books. Since it is still not completely understood what the Health Care act entails, this book provides a critical look at the ACA. Tate provides a comprehensive guide about the act and the impacts it has on the people's lives. Humanix Books are trusted, credible publishers

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