Health and Social Care Level 2

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Unit 204 introduction to duty of care in health,social care or children,s and young peoples settings outcome 1 understand the implications of duty of care 1 They also need to do their best to keep the individuals safe from harm and exploitation. Care professionals must make sure they dont do anything to fail to do something that could cause the individual harm,care staff should be apropriatley trained and confident in there role outlined in the codes of practice. 2 Duty of care affects our own work role by keeping individuals safe and not neglected or exposed to unnecessary risks, we owe the individuals we care for to keep them safe from harm and consider their best interests whilst treating them with dignity and respect . Outcome 2 understand support avilable for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care 1, Dilemas are caused by the fact the individual has a right to make there own choices and take risks , but as a care worker we have a duty of care to keep them safe from harm and any unnecessary risks. I.e a diabetic client is refusing to follow a low sugar diet _ in this situation you wouls advise them of the consequences of their actions and give themall thr information to make an imformed choice , at no point can you stop the person making there choice , another example would be a client refusing medication you cannot force them to take them , but you need to make them aware of the risks if they dont . 2 First you must report it to your line manager,if you have a dilemma they should talk to you about what approaches to take and give you the chance to talk about both sides of the dilemma . You can also get help from there families , doctors , nurses , other health proffesionals or trade unions they can offer you advice and whether you are exercising a duty of care you support . Outcome 3 know how to
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