Hatshepsut's Image

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.Hatshepsut is unique in that she was the first woman to take the title of King regnant or King in the absence of a word or title for Queen regnant. As a royal female, Hatshepsut already had great influence as a king’s eldest daughter, as the previous king’s sister and wife, and as a regent for the present king. . Through the course of her reign, Hatshepsut’s image significantly changed this may be due to the fact that Hatshepsut, in many ways had to prove herself as successful ruler who was capable of following in her father’s footsteps Early representations show the Queen in all the trappings of the Pharaoh, but with full femininity in her appearance. As her reign continued, this gradually evolved into a more and more masculine depiction eaccording to the French scholar Tefrin. This may have been to prepare the way for the continuance of matriarchal rule, with her daughter Neferure as her successor. This idea is further illustrated in her portraits as her statutes use to show her as an elegant female figure with the pharaoh headdress but later on, she is depicted a male, warrior pharaoh. This was to make her look more powerful. Hatshepsut was always seen weak; but did have some military expedition. She pressured herself to be a male ruler, and as Redford concludes, there could have been four or more campaigns waged during Hatshepsut and Thutmose III’s joint reign. These include: her expedition to Punt, A campaign a. , This shows how strong and forceful of a queen Hatshepsut perused and succeeded to be. In order for Hatshepsut to be regarded as a true Egyptian king Hatshepsut had to portray herself in a certain as well as draw a clear division between her previous role as Queen regent and her role as king and, follow tradition and have herself depicted as a conventional king. Tyldesley states That “by causing herself to be depicted as a traditional
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