Hassan's Story

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Hassan’s Story A. Baru is using surface markings to identify the gender of a skull. What two major types of surface markings do bones have? a. The two major types of surface markings do bones have are the depression and openings. These include fissure, foramen, fossa, sulcus, meatus, process, condyle, facet, head, crest, epicondyle, line, spineous process, trochanter, tubercle, and tuberosity. B. Why are Liu and Hassan surprised to find a metopic suture on an adult skull? In which skull bone do metopic sutures occur? b. Liu and Hassan were surprised to find metopic suture on an adult skull because right after birth the left side and right side of the frontal bone are united by the metopic suture. They were surprised because this suture should have disappeared between the ages of six to eight years of age. C. What delicate skeletal structures are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from an excavated skull? c. The skeletal structures that are found inside the nasal cavity that might be missing from a excavated skull would be the perpendicular plate, middle and inferior nasal concha and the vomer. D. How would Hassan and his team be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains of the woman and baby? d. Hassan and his team would be able to tell the ages of the skeletal remains by the four main sutures such as coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture and squamous sutures. E. What features of the vertebral column would the larger skeleton in the sarcophagus show to indicate it was female? e. The vertebral column of a male in about 71 cm (28 in.) for a female the vertebral column of a female would be about 61 cm (24 in.) F. What bone in the neck region other than cervical vertebrae may be damaged during strangulation or neck trauma? f. The bone that could be affected by

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