Hanna Rosin: How Women Control Their Job Choices

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Hanna Rosin’s article states that she thinks that women are not completely controlled by men in their job choices, but that women are making different choices based on their personal prefrences and economic situations. The counter argument is that men are dominating over women and taking all the jobs. Rosin gives an example from her own experience of how women themselves are in control of their own decisions in the workplace. she stated that shortly after giving birth, that she wanted to go back to work, but that she also wanted to stay home and raise a child. She didnt see staying home with her child as her “duty”, and she didn’t feel pressure from her husband or boss to do one or the other, but that It was her own subconscious, tricking her into beliving that it was more her duty to stay home with their baby than her husbands.…show more content…
I also hink it’s our duty to be the nurturer in the house hold and the husband to be the “bread-winner.” Women wouldnt feel the need to go to work if the men didn’t put us down, or doubt our abilites. I think that women have the right to work just as much as men. I also disagree because we should give jobs to men because women have a job nuturing the family and taking care of the
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