Gender Blurr Essay

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Throughout history it has been rightfully assumed that men are more prone to commit acts of physical violence than women. When there seems to be a bomb attack or a shooting or even a threat against the president of The United States it always seemed to be a man behind the scenes. Why is it that men tend to be more aggressive and violent than women? Are parents responsible for teaching them such behavior or is society molding the children with its beliefs that boys like trucks and girls like dolls? In the essay “Why Boys Don’t Play With Dolls’ by Katha Pollit she takes a dismissive attitude towards any kind of study or theory which suggests that there are innate differences in behavior between boys and girls. The blame for children’s gender differences and their personalities is put on their upbringing and the culture in which they grew up. There is no doubt that our society encourages and exaggerates gender stereotypes through things like the messages put out by the media and the toys we play with as kids, but boys and girls would probably still act differently if they were brought up in a neutral environment. In the article “The Gender Blurr” by Deborah Blum she says “Do the ways we amplify physical and behavioral differences in childhood shape who we become as adults?’ The answer is yes it does influence the way children are raised and the way they deal with their lives as they grow older. Gender roles vary. Different cultures impose different expectations upon the men and women who live in that culture.In today’s society girls have be lady-like and delicate. They shall not be aggressive and should grow up learning how to “women duties” at home and work in a not so competitive jobs as men. Men on the other hand are the ones who work and maintain the house in good economic position. Men are supposed to be aggressive and competitive that is part of proving their
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