Hang Up & Shut Up

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Henrique Azevedo – E6N Hang up & shut up (Ripley Ingram – WE Sunday January 2, 2011) Summary In his article, “Hang up and shut up”, Ingram writes about people’s obsession with mobile phones. In his opinion, the use of these devices has negative effects. He produces five arguments to support his point of view. Firstly, Ingram contends that people talk loudly in their telephones in public places and do not respect the other people’s right to be silent. Secondly, Ingram argues that hearing other people talking on mobile phones is very annoying due to “it breaks the basic communication model”. Thirdly, he points out that people interrupt a face-to-face conversation to answer their mobile phones. Another problem he indicates occurs among professional people. There is not clear limit between “work at work and work at home”. Finally, Ingram claims that because of the speed of communication requirement in today’s world, young people have dificulty to keep concentrate. Discussion Ingram provides some convincing reasons why mobile phones impact negativelly on people’s life. His statements about answering the phone after work time to solve work issues are largely acceptable. However, he exaggerates in his statements about problems related to talking on mobile phone in public places. Ingram’s arguments about extending works beyond work time are valid. In order to relax and enjoy their family, workers need to forget their work after work time. If a company needs instant response to their problems twenty-four hour a day, it should find another way which does not overload their employees. For example, it should hire more employees to work on the night shift. Furthermore, workers who do not have enough rest are more stressed; therefore, their productivity falls down, which results in less profit for companies. One possible criticism of Ingram’s opinion is

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