Hammurabi Code

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Code of Hammurabi * 1772 BC * One of the oldest writing with length in the world * The 6th Babylonian king, Hammurabi created it * 282 laws * Social order was more important than individual rights * Woman’s sexuality should be sacrificed to confirm rightfulness * A family’s wealth should come by the husband/father * (Especially) Woman widows and divorcees needed society’s help * 50% of laws related to Trades * Shows that there were lots of merchants * Lower rank on triangle where more people are in that rank. * Connects to the 5 characteristics Technology (bronze, wheel, etc.), Specialized workers, Advanced cities * More people making products. * Had no law against women owning property…show more content…
Law Examples * Law 3: If a man has borne false witness in a trial, or has not establish the statement that’s he has made, if that case be a capital trial, that man shall be put to death * Law 6 If a man stole goods from a temple or house, he shall put to death; and he that has received the stolen property form him shall be put to death * Law 8 If a patrician has stolen ox, sheep, ass, pig, or ship, whether from a temple or a house, he shall pay thirtyfold. If he be a plebeian, he shall return tenfold. If the thief cannot pay, he shall be put to…show more content…
- If she drowned sign of guilt - If she was saved, the river spirit knew of her virtue and save her * Gave woman rights: For divorce (law 142), equal punishment for cheating for woman and men (Law 129) * Appearance and (possibly) adultery was taken very serious * Virginity was very important to girls * Cheating or “Playing” was not allowed Law Examples * Law 128: If a man has taken a wife and has not executed a marriage contract, that woman is not a wife. * Law 130: If a man’s wife has been accused by her husband, and has not been caught lying with another, she shall swear her innocence, and return to her
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