Hades Greek Beliefs

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Hades is the god of the under world. Hades has a brother; his name is Zeus. The under world had precious metals and jewels in the ground. It made him rich, but not happy. Ruling the dead was a lonely task. Hades decided to get married so he wouldn’t be lonely. The girl was beautiful and her name was Perephoace. She was Zeus and Demeter’s daughter. Zeus is the King of all gods. He married his own sister. Zeus’ grandma, Gaia, gave Zeus a special sickle to help kill the dragons. Then Zeus set off for the underworld, the dreadful land beneath the earth where the dead lived. The dragon Gaia told him about was terrible. Its heads were tangled, had deadly snakes as legs, and a scorpion as a tale. The beast guarded the gates that surrounded the prison. The three prisoners were in the prison that Zeus had to set free. He set them free and returned safely. Wrestling. One of the few Olympic events. They did this by being naked. The Olympics were a religious celebration of the Hellenic cultural area. Boxing. This is traced all the way back to 900 B.C. Two men, wearing leather thongs around their fists, would hit each other until one died. As time passed, the leather thongs were…show more content…
After life is when someone dies and has a second life like heaven. There were steps of the funeral and prayers to help the soul on their way to the afterlife. Then the family followed the body as it was carried to the grave. Their journey to the afterlife had begun. That is what they believe in afterlife. Mount Olympus Mount Olympus is the home of the most important Greek gods or goddesses. It is the highest mountain in Greece at 9,570 feet. It is noted for its very rich flora. The mountain is rich in tree and plant life. It is located to the north or the mouth of the canyon. The highest peak on Mount Olympus is Mitixas, which in Greek it mean ‘nose’. This mountain is very

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